
Dakota Fathke
President - MEEN '25
I'm a senior pursuing Mechanical Engineering here at Texas A&M. I love learning, space, sustainable energy, and anything outdoors. Outside of school, I love to travel, play guitar, and spend lots of time at my church. I'm incredibly happy to lead this amazing organization!

Mihir Patil
Consulting Director - MEEN '26
Hi! I’m a Junior Mechanical Engineering major with a passion for deepening my knowledge of how our world works and applying that to designing physical systems. I am honored and excited to serve on the officer team and help our teams push engineering forward!

David Lyster
Treasurer/Technical Officer - MXET '25
Howdy! I'm a senior Mechatronics Engineer at Texas A&M that enjoys getting my hands dirty by working on technical projects involving mechanics and electronics. I also spend my free time working on computers and my '98 Camry.

Liam Snyder
Outreach Officer - MEEN '25
Howdy! I’m a senior mechanical engineer pursuing grad school to study the compliance of materials. Outside of Aggies Create, I love racing cars and astro-photography. I'm also in the Corps of Cadets, and I hope to use my leadership experience to one day build a company in aerospace making more efficient wing designs using compliant structures,

Noah Johannesson
Product Development Director - CPSC '26
Howdy! I am a Junior Computer Science major with a large interest in all things computing, entrepreneurship, and product design. I have a passion for turning ideas into solutions to real problems and am excited to lead the Product Design teams to do exactly that.

Ben DuBose
Webmaster - MMET '25
I’m a senior pursuing Manufacturing Engineering here at Texas A&M who’s curious about how everyday things work and are made. I’m passionate about sustainability in engineering and industry, and am looking forward to driving the clean industry transition. Outside of school, I enjoy tabletop gaming, rock climbing, messing with 3D printers, and flying light aircraft.

Kadin Patel
Resource Manager
Howdy! I'm a Sophomore Mechanical Engineering major who loves designing and building!! I am happy to be serving my first semester as an officer for this fantastic organization! Outside of Aggies Create, I love playing pickleball, watching football, and having a good time with my friends.

Brandon Salvaggio
Operations Manager
As a senior in engineering, I’ve gained valuable experience in design and manufacturing and hope to carry these skills into the realm of fast cars or screaming turbines. Outside of class I enjoy watching F1 and throwing around heavy weights.

Matthew Renfroe
Social Media Manager

Samar Dessouky
Social Media Manager
Howdy! I’m a sophomore in Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering. I love reading, painting, and hanging out with friends in my free time. I believe in making every day special and meaningful. I hope to continue expanding the Aggies Create legacy through social media and my wonderful friends!