Aggies Create is a student-led organization at Texas A&M University that connects students with product design and engineering opportunities that expand their creativity. Our belief is that anyone with passion, regardless of experience, has the right to pursue projects and experiences that would help them grow in the fields they love most. We serve to give Aggies real-world experience through our partnerships with a variety of engineering/product design companies, in-house projects that develop their own ideas, and national/international competitions that push limits. If your goal is to see your ideas come to life and work with incredible people, then our goal is yours.
We connect incredible people. Students are matched with product design or engineering opportunities that meet their goals and expand their horizons. Our clients get designs and insights from experienced, multidisciplinary student teams that want to solve your problem. Aggies Create is an expanding community that includes the students, faculty, industry leaders, and incredible people of Aggieland who take initiative and invest in powerful ideas.
Through all of our endeavors and partnerships, our goal is to provide everyone with real, important projects and experiences that will help them change the world.

Our Origins
We saw a need at Texas A&M.
A vast untapped potential in the form of students that just want a chance. Everyone has ideas, but few have the means and environment to see those ideas become something tangible. We want to bring this out and show off the inner potential of those who want it enough. We created this organization because we remember how much we desired that chance and we want to see it for others.
Our group is focused on product development and design, which can take two forms. Students have the ability to team up and come up with their own ideas through our Incubator and Create Lab division, or they can participate in product design consulting for companies that want solutions to their existing engineering/product-design challenges. Either way, we want to use our organization to bring out the best in students, and tap into this need at Texas A&M University. Regardless of how much background or experience you have, if you are passionate about what you do, we would love to hear more from you. We also want to give our students relevant experience in the fields they are most interested in, to aid with internship and career opportunities for their futures.
Our design philosophy is centered on non-traditional, innovative thinking. One of our biggest inspirations for our organizational culture is IDEO, one of the biggest design consultancy firms in the world, that started in Silicon Valley. Want to learn more about why Aggies Create exists? Watch this video.